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Mornings have always been a challenge in our home. It seems so obvious to me now. One January a few years ago I decided to find time to dedicate to myself that was all mine. I needed something to shift, things were not working for me. When looking at our busy schedule I couldn’t find a time that worked every day for us until I realized I could start my day earlier. I am not a morning person but I committed to four days a week to 6:00am classes at the local yoga Pilates studio. It was life changing.

Those days I went I would come home and so patiently could ask the kids to put their shoes on ten times, I so easily could get them into a car and off to school on time.

My life became so much more in control and calm that I went five days a week. The pandemic has changed this all for me. I don’t have the classes I used to go to and I am unable to workout like I did.

It seems so obvious now.

It’s like a plane going down. We have to put our oxygen on first to help our family.

I am not a morning person, I used to joke I was allergic to the morning. But it was the only time leaving the family wasn’t stressful for me, I wasn’t rushed and I didn’t feel guilty for taking me time.

I would come home so relaxed, feeling accomplished and ready to start the day with a smile. It changed everything for us all.

It seems so obvious now.

“We have to put our oxygen on first.”

Alyson Williams

